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ILLUMINATI 10 letter word which starts with the letter I and ends with the letter I

We have found 8 definitions.

(v. t.) Literally those who are enlightened
(v. t.) Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament.
(v. t.) Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the year 1575. Their principal doctrine was that by means of prayer they had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances sacraments good works etc.; -- called also Alumbrados Perfectibilists etc.
(v. t.) Members of certain associations in Modern Europe who combined to promote social reforms by which they expected to raise men and society to perfection esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law at Ingolstadt which spread rapidly for a time but ceased after a few years.
(v. t.) An obscure sect of French Familists;
(v. t.) The Hesychasts Mystics and Quietists;
(v. t.) The Rosicrucians.
(v. t.) Any persons who profess special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment.

Other words from ILLUMINATI

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word ILLUMINATI.

8 Letter Words

7 Letter Words

6 Letter Words

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words