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IRON 4 letter word which starts with the letter I and ends with the letter N

We have found 14 definitions.

(n.) The most common and most useful metallic element being of almost universal occurrence usually in the form of an oxide (as hematite magnetite etc.) or a hydrous oxide (as limonite turgite etc.). It is reduced on an enormous scale in three principal forms; viz. cast iron steel and wrought iron. Iron usually appears dark brown from oxidation or impurity but when pure or on a fresh surface is a gray or white metal. It is easily oxidized (rusted) by moisture and is attacked by many corrosive agents. Symbol Fe (Latin Ferrum). Atomic weight 55.9. Specific gravity pure iron 7.86; cast iron 7.1. In magnetic properties it is superior to all other substances.
(n.) An instrument or utensil made of iron; -- chiefly in composition; as a flatiron a smoothing iron etc.
(n.) Fetters; chains; handcuffs; manacles.
(n.) Strength; power; firmness; inflexibility; as to rule with a rod of iron.
(n.) Of or made of iron; consisting of iron; as an iron bar dust.
(n.) Resembling iron in color; as iron blackness.
(n.) Like iron in hardness strength impenetrability power of endurance insensibility etc.;
(n.) Rude; hard; harsh; severe.
(n.) Firm; robust; enduring; as an iron constitution.
(n.) Inflexible; unrelenting; as an iron will.
(n.) Not to be broken; holding or binding fast; tenacious.
(v. t.) To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially to smooth as cloth with a heated flatiron; -- sometimes used with out.
(v. t.) To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff.
(v. t.) To furnish or arm with iron; as to iron a wagon.

Syllable Information

The word IRON is a 4 letter word that contains 2 syllables .

The syllable division for the word IRON is I-RON

Other words from IRON

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word IRON.

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words